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“faulty Humans”

“faulty Humans” equals free will to reject God. God’s perfect will requires choice to reject him.
You would complain if we didn’t have the ability to reject God.
the topic was „God created faulty humans then blames them for being faulty“ then Kevin claims free will is what is faulty. Hence free will causes cancer, as God would be able to just make it not exist easily.
The fact things humans create and use can cause cancer isn’t the point. It’s at best adjacent at worst a bad attempt to side step the actual point. Hence, stay on topic.
no he didn’t. Freewill allows us to choose to be faulty or not, its not the freewill itself that is faulty. When you read things are you parsing things correctly?
God’s will bends to the will of man, wake up!!
Born into sin. Spending our existence apologizing for it when apparently we have no control of it. Makes sense.
free will is just an intellectually lazy excuse to try and rationalize away all the pain and suffering in the world. No God that allows volcanoes or childhood cancer or botfly or animals to tear each other apart and eat each other alive, can be conceived as a loving being, just an evil psychopathic sadist.

– Chogyam Trungpa Rimpoche


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