Virtual Immortality * **


“In scientific progress, imagination is more important than knowledge, real or imagined,” Richard Feynman.


If we talk about science in the manner of Copernicus, Newton, Darwin, there is nothing to say, everything is in order. The Sun is at the center of the Solar System; we can experience gravity by jumping from a wall; and no one can deny that we are the 194th monkey, according to Desmond Morris.

As regards mathematics, quantum physics, strings, in brief, artificial intelligence, it is obvious that here we are not talking about real science like that of Copernicus, Newton or Darwin, but we are talking about how to organize abstract concepts that resemble science, but in reality they are not science.

In other words, are mathematics, quantum physics, strings equipped with genetic mutations and natural selection? At all. Mathematics, quantum physics, strings, it’s all artificial stuff produced by an artificial mind; Copernicus’ heliocentrism, Newton’s gravity and Darwin’s evolution are all scientific.

Literature, theater, philosophy have explained the world we live in by saying that it is an objectification of the absurd and, in reality, this is precisely its essence and substance. In fact, when we go to the core of every abstract or concrete phenomenon, we find nothing but the absurd.

Socially speaking, and this concept should be clear even to imbeciles, ours is a world of legalized gangsters. Call them whatever you want: kings, popes, politicians, capitalists, nothing changes: gangsters. The first man to appear on Earth was a gangster.

What we have just said should be enough to make us understand a little about the world we live in. Of course, there is more, much more, but let’s continue with order.

Let’s talk about the Universe. We’ll start from the beginning, from the nothingness of nothingness, that is, from an infinite void. Here, in this void, begins our Universe. Then, and only then, comes the first particle, the first sign of substance; then, much later, from the physical mass that was progressively created between the first particle and the Big Bang, which lasted billions and billions of years, here comes the moment of the real Big Bang. From this event we arrive at the speed of the mind to the Solar System, to the Earth, to the Species, to Us.

The Universe we live in today is no longer expanding. It seems like it is expanding, but in reality it’s not. Stars are fading away and galaxies are disappearing into the great vacuum at the edge of the Universe. Phenomena are constantly being reduced and over time they’ll become less and less and in the end non-existent and, therefore, we are once again approaching the time of nothingness of nothingness.

Another Big Bang? Maybe. In a cosmic vision, “maybes” are part of nature. However, and this is only possible if the now old and unstable cosmic matter piles up in a single point, then there will be, sooner or later, another Big Bang, but on the model of the first one and this would mean that the Big Bangs would follow one after another forever.

We, however, are born from nothing and when we’ll die we’ll return to nothing. Everything that exists in the entire Universe comes from nothing and returns to nothing. Does nothing make sense? It depends on how we want to see it. If we see it in human terms no, if we see it in natural terms yes.

Personally I don’t have a meaning, a meaning in this World-Universe, I only have the meaning that I can give day after day to my life. Philosophers of all times have only chatted about this concept, chatted and nothing more. And then, what other meaning could I have if I was born from nothing? None. Only we, as long as we live, can give meaning to the Universe and to Ourselves, the rest is rhetoric.

Of course, if there are other species in the Universe – extraterrestrials, aliens, creatures different from us, etc. –, and I am sure that there are, they too can give meaning to themselves and to their Planet-Universe. Without the homo-species or aliens, the Universe is just a mass of meaningless and nameless phenomena.

This is, roughly and briefly said, the Universe we live in. There isn’t another. What does it mean? It means that we live on a rock called planet Earth and this planet Earth, in turn, is at the mercy of the Solar System and to all the other phenomena that move blindly in the Cosmos.

Last but not least. Between the nothingness of nothingness and the Universe in which we find ourselves, there is no difference, and since in the end everything returns to the nothingness of nothingness, then we are nothing more than dust, cosmic dust and nothing more. Voilà our destiny and our end.


*Two things. The first, this article is dedicated to all those who want to have a quick idea of ​​our World-Universe as it is and not as we would like it to be.


** The second. I know I’m about to ask a little too much from you by asking to read this slightly “long” article, but I’m not forcing it on you. Of course, my wish is that you read it all. Is simple. In these few easy and interesting pages you’ll find the indispensable knowledge of both our World and our Universe, and it is desirable for each of us to make it our own knowledge before dying. In other words, read this article and virtual immortality will be yours!



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