
“White” was never a category in Nazi race thinking. They would have laughed outright at anything so simplistic.

They were concerned with purity, and their racial categories were based mainly on various skull and face proportions. Skin colour was actually irrelevant to them – some quite dark-skinned people were considered “Aryan”.

~ Sri Ramana Maharshi Talk 199


The ladies later asked several questions relating to their present inability to realise the already realised, eternal Self. The sign of Realisation would be Bliss, which was absent. Maharshi said: There is only one consciousness. But we speak of several kinds of consciousness, as body-consciousness, Self-consciousness. They are only relative states of the same Absolute consciousness. Without [...]



I see them creeping in the dark Memories I can not seem to shake These demons of my youth, they leave their mark Reminding me of every damn mistake These demons they haunt me still Reminders of every lesson learned Try to outrun them, but they move in for the kill These demons are the scars that I’ve earned The heartache and the tears I’ve cried The fights I’ve had with those I love The [...]



kdyby z vejce nevyrostl pupek s/věta kdyby bída nekonkurovala nouzi kdyby tečka než čárka napočítá do pěti nestavěla souvětí budeme si v objetí budeme zasnění jako bozi když bdí a sen se vzbouzí uprostřed metamorfózy JAKO „Důvody nemám. Spadlo to na mne jako fixní idea, jako vrtoch, jako pud.” (Strinberg – Klášter) jako nezájem řezající řeč na mlčení [...]

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Nový izraelský minister obrany potvrdil plány povolávať ultraortodoxných mužov

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Od nedele by povolávacie rozkazy mali postupne zaslať 7000 mužom.


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