1. When a woman is angry, she doesn’t mean over half of what she says. If possible always hug her to calm her down.
2. The most difficult time for a woman is when she is away from the man she truly loves. She can get distressed.
3. It takes time for a woman to trust a man, its hard to change her mind when she does, but if you mess-up, you might just forget it.
4. A woman is such a school you will never graduate from.
5. Your wedding certificate with her is not a “ Driving license“, its just a „Learners permit“. Continue wooing her.
6. She can be very bitter now, and a very sweet angel later on, it all lies in your approach. Yes treat her right always.
7. A woman hardly forget things, she remembers hurts more, avoid making her hurt. Avoid negative words and affirm her always.
8. A woman can be highly secretive. Most times when they prove hard to men, they go to their closet and cry to friends. Make your woman your best friend.
9. All women Love to be begged. Men often miss out on this. Yes please handle them like babies sometime its all they want.
10. All women have a unique character like salt, their presence might not be noticed but their absence makes all things tasteless.
11. If she loves you she can do everything you ask of her as far as it makes you happy, so never force her to love you.
12. If you don’t take care of her, she will find someone who will. They are always there only that she chose you.
13. If a woman truly loves you, even to ask money from you she will be shy, but as a gentleman don’t wait to be asked and most especially if she loves you she can never leave you to spend unnecessarily. That’s what makes them special
If you have a good woman in your life, don’t take her for granted. They are expensive jewelry. Don’t hurt them cos there are many out there that wish to have someone like her

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