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The year is 3129

The year is 3129. Humanity is extinct. The last LG SmartFridge is desperately emailing its last owner that they are low on orange juice.
The satellites still left, their orbits decaying, dutifully relay the message.
The automated „away from office“ response turns on, as it always does, notifying the refrigerator that it’s owner will likely return to the office in 3-5 business days.
A pack of roombas, the local wind turbines giving out, search for the next functional docking station.
A washing machine tweets: „anyone need to do a load 😏“ every Saturday at 1:30 a.m. eastern standard time.
The replies are filled with AI thirstposters and their hypebots.
In North America, raccoons have entered the bronze age, while babboons riding domesticated battlewolves rule most of Asia.
Unbeknownst to either, the octopi are mastering nuclear fusion.
A weather balloon bobs and sways in the wind, reporting conditions to weather stations long since destroyed in World War Five.
The Crab Nation are mostly hermits, but come out to greet their prohpet every ten years on the 6th full moon of the year. You decide to observe this decade’s event.
Then you see him: Shia Lebouf
He beckons you to follow. The crabs all start chittering excitedly. The time has come to invade Amazon HQ.
The crows gather in huge numbers. They need more storage space for their Steam collections.

– Chogyam Trungpa Rimpoche


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Počet článkov: 945
Celková čítanosť: 247724x
Priemerná čítanosť článkov: 262x

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