King of Kings!

Brothers and sisters! This morning we’ll address the idiocy of (ATHEISM) And (ISLAM) Who dares to suggest that our Lord Jesus Christ, was unable to free himself from the Cross, and died at the mercy of the Romans.
I want to make something ABUNDANTLY CLEAR! Jesus Christ (Willingly) laid down his life, and Willingly suffered the torments of his crucifixion, to pay the ransom demanded by YHWH for humanities Sins, and grant us the precious gift of eternal life, that he purchased with his own perfect divine blood.
Make absolutely (NO MISTAKE) About it! If our Lord Jesus Christ had so much as thought it, (THOUGHT IT) The full force of the armies of heaven led by the Archangel Michael, would have descended, and laid waste to the Romans, and everything in their path! The entire heavenly host would have followed, and freed Jesus Christ from the Cross, and brought him to the safety of the throne-room of the living God.
Do not think for (One moment) humanity, or the Romans ever exerted any measure of power over the King of Kings! It was he who spared them the wrath of the living God, not (Once) but (Twice) well suffering on that Cross. YHWH almost couldn’t go through with it (Twice) and was ready to unleash his Wrath on humanity. The first time God became sickened at the image of his one, and only true begotten Son suffering on the Cross, and for the first time in eternity he turned his gaze from the Earth, provoking the following response from Jesus Christ. Matthew 27:45-47 (also Mark 15:33-34) says: “Now from the sixth hour there was darkness over all the land until the ninth hour. And about the ninth hour Jesus cried out with a loud voice, saying, ‚Eli, Eli, lema sabachthani? ‚ that is, ‚My God, my God, why have you forsaken me? You people have no idea the consequences of the living God turning away from Earth, even for but a moment! Imagine the Sun going out for even a brief moment.
The second time was when Jesus sensed YHWH’S Wrath, at seeing Jesus ridiculed, and mocked, and Jesus cried! In Luke 23:34 Then Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, they know not what they do.”]* They divided his garments by casting lots. 35The people stood by and watched; the rulers, meanwhile, sneered at him and said,s “He saved others, let him save himself if he is the chosen one, the Messiah of God.”. The reason for this declaration, and plea is not known in mainstream Christianity, but Jesus sensed God was going to Smite them for their Blasphemy, and Jesus committed to our salvation, and wishing to complete his mission, begged his father to temper his Wrath.
So make no mistake my dear friends! Jesus was (Always in full control) and the Romans always at his mercy.

, lebo ten kto se táže sa z povrchu zeme zmaže. .. .


som bol vo víťaznom ťažení, keď moje paže ronili krv po rezných ranách, lebo ´pán´ reval, že ide cez moju mŕtvolu tam kde ľudskej nohy není, že ja nemám předurčení, že mi nakáže všetko a všetko zakáže, lebo ten kto se táže sa z povrchu zeme zmaže….

pomedzi nohy štveral a svoju poslednú cestu do hrobu meral. .. ..


zem nasala moju krv; spoločnosť sa zo všetkého vylhala, aby moje posraté spodky na verejnosti kunda prala……tyran v bielom plášti sa ma jal degradovať, lebo pán do mňa strčil svoj fal, keď som sa od radosti svetom ponevieral; ma atakoval, aby zničil mier, aby som sa pred ním mu pomedzi nohy štveral a svoju poslednú cestu do hrobu meral…..

urobia invalida, lebo sa na neho urazila hnida.


nikdy som nepredpokladal, že bude znemožňované mne ´porozumenie´ silou, že mi bude naparené väzenie, keď ma ´stotožnia´s asociálom, ktorý by ´uspel málom´, že mi naložia co proto, a budú ma týrať kým ma nevykynožia, že moje snahy neosožia, že vnútorné dieťa bude umorené bolesťou bezprávím, že z človeka , ktorý bol celkom zdravým urobia invalida, lebo sa na [...]

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