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´meaning of life´

Not True! – The one definable goal of ALL humans is to „serve purpose“…. One cannot properly „serve purpose“ unless they figure out the formula of what the meaning of life is.
The „experience“ of being alive, comes from an interpersonal place, and it is sooooo different for each person, that it’s hard to even say it’s a constant need across all humans.
There is no meaning to life, what gives it meaning is the experience of being fully alive and in the moment, it’s something all of us experience occasionally but the trick is to be in that state as much or as often as possible…..whatever makes you feel fully alive, do more of that.
What would those humans who lived 10,000 years ago looking for? I believe they were too busy looking for food to sustain life rather than worry about the psychology of what the meaning of life was about. Seems like we have too much time on our hands.
The problem is people think the meaning of life is just about them and experiencing life is reaching for death.
Can’t agree. Society does not condition us to live but rather to compare ourselves and prove our worth, based on some very subjective guidelines. Hence this endless existential „well, what the hell is the point of it all?“ That’s so prevalent in societies that consider themselves modern.
An interesting point, actually . . . one can live richly, well, and quite happily, still knowing there is no real point to any of it, and we all zero out in the end, money or not. People would love to sell or tell you their particular idea(s) of what is or could be beyond, but I never believed a word, and what the f do they know anyway? It is what it is, just like here, baby. As below, so above, another and perhaps more noble way to look at it.
rs By living fully in the moment and engaged in something that makes you feel alive you’ll automatically make the world a better place for you and those who have contact with you.
The lower animals are through the phase of being alive. It is the humans who can explain any meaning.

– Chogyam Trungpa Rimpoche


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