I read a lot of agenda-driven religious bullshit online. This concept keeps popping up and I thought it is time to put it to rest.


Allah is NOT Satan

The statement „The idea that Allah is Satan has to be one of the most insane theories as well as an offense to Satanists worldwide. The idea that Allah is Satan does not hold up under scrutiny from historical, etymological, mythological, or philosophical perspectives. They are distinct entities with fundamentally different roles and attributes in the respective religious traditions they belong to.


Here is a breakdown from an Abrahamic lens:



Allah: Historically, the term „Allah“ was used by pre-Islamic Arabs to refer to a supreme deity, and it was later adopted in Islam to denote the monotheistic God of Abraham. This God is the same deity worshipped by Jews and Christians, referred to as Yahweh or Jehovah.


Satan: In Abrahamic religions, Satan (or Iblis in Islam) is a rebellious jinn or angel who opposes God. Satan’s role is that of an adversary, tempter, and deceiver.


There is no historical basis for equating Allah with Satan. They are distinct entities within their respective religious contexts.



Allah: The word „Allah“ is derived from the Arabic word „al-ilāh,“ which means „the God.“ It is used to refer to the singular, all-powerful deity in Islam.


Satan: The word „Satan“ comes from the Hebrew word „satan,“ meaning „adversary“ or „accuser.“ In Arabic, the equivalent is „Shaytan.“


Etymologically, the words have different roots and meanings, further underscoring their distinction.



Allah: In Islamic mythology, Allah is the creator of the universe, all-knowing, and all-powerful. Allah is merciful, compassionate, and just.


Satan: In Islamic mythology, Iblis (Satan) is a jinn who refused to bow to Adam and was cast out of heaven. He is a tempter and an enemy of humanity, leading people astray.


Their mythological roles and characteristics are fundamentally different and oppositional.



Allah: Philosophically, Allah represents the ultimate good, the source of all moral values, and the foundation of all existence. In Islamic theology, Allah is considered the ultimate truth and reality.


Satan: Philosophically, Satan represents rebellion against divine order, the embodiment of evil and chaos. He is often seen as a symbol of moral and spiritual corruption.


Philosophically, they occupy opposing ends of the moral spectrum, making any equation between them nonsensical.

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