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90 billion

„It is not morally right to massacre 90 billion
innocent souls annually just because you like
the taste of steaks, salamis and sausages.“
„It is not OK to forcibly impregnate a female
and kidnap her newborn baby just because
you are addicted to cheese or would like to
have some cow’s breast milk in your coffee.“
„You should not torture creatures and leave
them to die in agony just because a lip gloss
and a hair conditioner make you feel pretty.“
„Relationships don’t have to be romantic
to be important and to be taken seriously.“
„Playing with somebody’s genitalia to gain
carnal pleasures and satisfy your lustful urges
and primitive mating instincts is not „love“
and deciding to abstain from it doesn’t mean
you are incapable of love or mentally ill…“
„It is wrong to live like an immoral hedonist
and sponsor animal agriculture or fast fashion
or other greedy capitalist industries that
cause climate change and greenhouse effect,
food insecurity and wage slavery, pollute the
air, waste the water, deplete the soil, kill the
trees, exploit natural resources and indigenous
communities, and annihilate myriads of
biological species just because you are the
self-proclaimed ‚pinnacle of evolution‘ and see
your ephemeral pleasures as more vital than
other earthlings‘ entire lives and well-being.“
„The sky, the clouds, the water, the rain,
the plants, the animals, the rocks, the land
don’t need you. You need them. They don’t
owe you service. You owe them respect.
You are not superior to them, you are a part
of them. The Universe is unified. Everything
in the natural world is conscious and alive.
Indigenous cultures still remember what your
colonized, deliberately dumbed-down mind
has forgotten and what your dull senses and
spiritual poverty prevent you from seeing.“
„Non-human beings are not inferior to human
beings and actually, from an ecological point
of view, we’re the only species on planet Earth
that is absolutely unneeded and unnecessary.“
Every morning, I wake up just to explain
such pretty OBVIOUS and yet, completely
incomprehensible to most people things…
Every day, I am forced to face
an insurmountable amount of toxic human
Every evening, I am drained by
another dose of animal cruelty, another
dose of amatonormativity, another dose of
anthropocentric delusions of superiority,
another dose of immorality and conformity…
Every night, I fall asleep
hit by another wave of loneliness, another
wave of sadness, another wave of disgust and
abhorrence, another wave of anger and fury…
But then I’m supposed to believe that
„Life is beautiful!“ and „Life is a gift!“…
Sorry, but…
This is ridiculous, inadequate, pathetic.
I hate life and I hate human beings.
I can’t believe that I came onto this planet
just to deal daily with these low forms of life



(1) Genesis claims Earth was created on Day-1 and the sun, moon and stars on Day-4 (Gen 1:1 / Gen 1:15-16) – Planets are composed of elements and elements are fused by stars. You cannot form planets from things fused by stars before stars exist. (2) Genesis claims Earth had three mornings and three evenings before the sun existed. (Gen 1:5, 8 & 13) – Mornings and evenings are [...]



Creationists assert or claim that there is a benovelent God, a powerful entity that created the universe by his words, (Let there be light), and used dust to create mankind. However, atheists rejected the assertion of the creationists based on the failure of the creationists to prove the existence of God. Therefore, a scientific claim was introduced, as another possibility of the universe [...]



Nonsense. If anything has created this universe it must be pure evil. I think the reverse is right- evil can only create, it cannot destroy what it’s created. If god had some basic decency he would’ve wiped this hell he created eons ago. If he exists of course

David Lammy, Veľká Británia

Nový šéf britskej diplomacie Lammy ako prvé navštívil Nemecko

07.07.2024 07:20

Nový šéf britskej diplomacie David Lammy zamieril na prvú zahraničnú návštevu do Nemecka.

Biden stiahol náskok Trumpa v rozhodujúcich štátoch, napriek fiasku v debate

07.07.2024 06:32

Náskok Donalda Trumpa pred Joeom Bidenom v štátoch, ktoré by mohli rozhodnúť novembrové prezidentské voľby, sa znížil.

Haiti Violence

Haitský premiér vyzval zločinecké gangy, aby zložili zbrane

07.07.2024 06:12

Haitský premiér Garry Conille ozbrojené skupiny varoval, že majú len obmedzený čas na to, aby sa rozhodli, čo urobiť.

vojna na Ukrajine, Peter Fouche

ONLINE: Biden: Som chlapík, ktorý 'odpálil' Putina a riadi svet. Le Penová nedovolí Ukrajine strieľať hlboko do Ruska

07.07.2024 06:10, aktualizované: 12:22

Ukrajina podľa Zelenského chce presadzovať svoje záujmy v Čiernom mori. Vojna situáciu zmenila, ruská flotila už nebude dominovať, tvrdí.

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