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male and female

All advantages women face are a direct result of male actions and misogyny.
Strangers trust women more because men pose the majority of kidnappers, are more prone to random and brutal acts of violence, and are more likely to rob and rape. Men are also more likely to inflict harm on others, so it’s no wonder people tend to trust women more.
People trust women more around kids because the vast majority of pedophiles and child abusers are men, and the sexual violence they inflict tends to be more brutal. Additionally, women are raised to be more caring and maternal, which further explains why people trust women more around children.
People take women’s mental issues more seriously, which is ironic considering women have been labeled as hysterical for centuries, lobotomized, institutionalized, and abused for merely being uncomfortable, not necessarily mentally ill. Even in cases of mental illness, women are often placed under male conservatorship. Men’s biggest issue is being taught not to express their feelings, and it is often women who encourage them to open up.
Women are usually not drafted into the military. Men predominantly wage war, join the military voluntarily, and dominate the military culture. Women who join the military often face systemic sexual harassment and abuse, as the military is predominantly a men’s club by design.
Men die earlier for various reasons that are not women’s fault. Men often do more physical labor, which is taxing on the body. When women attempt to enter these male-dominated fields, they face harassment and misogyny. Men communicate to women that they are too weak for hard physical labor while simultaneously complaining that women are not doing it. Additionally, men exhibit more risky and self-damaging behavior, partly due to their self-focus, while women tend to care more about others, such as their families and children.
Men are more likely to die in accidents because they cause them more often. Men kill themselves more but also kill others more. It’s more likely for a man to attempt to kill someone else than himself. This statistic does not necessarily indicate that men’s mental health is worse. Women attempt suicide more often but choose less lethal methods. Murder-suicides and suicides to avoid accountability are included in these statistics.
Women get more attention for sexual and unwanted advances, while their research and accomplishments receive less recognition, sometimes being credited to men. Women are seen as more believable victims, possibly because they are more often victims than offenders, especially in cases of sexual or domestic violence. Men generally portray women as weaker, and when women sexually assault men, it is usually less brutal, not in groups, and not random. Male culture promotes the idea of men as hypersexual, reinforced by men themselves. Men are more likely to be sexually assaulted by other men.
If women appear to have less shame in coming forward about these experiences, it reflects societal misogyny, suggesting that women feel more comfortable being victims because that is the role assigned to them socially. However, women tend to doubt themselves more and be doubted more as well.

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