Archív: júl, 2024

— Georges Sorel, Reflections on Violence

“Pessimism is quite a different thing from the caricatures that are usually presented of it; it is a metaphysics of morals rather than a theory of the world; it is a conception of a march towards deliverance that is narrowly conditioned: on the one hand, by the experimental knowledge that we have acquired of the obstacles which oppose themselves to the satisfaction of our imaginations (or, if […]

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anger poem

in the cavern of my heart, where shadows dance like whispers, anger rises, a tempest brewing, a fierce guardian clad in flames, its heat a shield against the cold indifference that creeps in like a thief in the night, some judge my anger but even the book many believe in says be angry but do not sin, for anger is the part that knows that evil should not win, its the emotion of righteousness. I […]

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The Cost of Insanity

All that is lost and gained in mental illness Photo by Cherry Laithang on Unsplash In my last article, I informed my audience that something terrifying was happening in my brain. For the entire month of June, my mind opened a portal to hell, and I suffered the scariest mental health episode in a decade. It had been brewing since December and reached its horrific climax this summer. I […]

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Irrelevant person,

Irrelevant person, we both know that Facebook atheists are the dumbest creatures on this planet and are unable to string even a few sentences together in advocacy for their lose/lose faith. More necessary therapy.. Facebook atheists are the dumbest creatures on this planet. To argue incessantly, mindlessly and passionately in insistence upon their own, everyone else’s and Everything […]

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Vedomie je špecificky ľudská forma ideálneho odrazu a duchovnej asimilácie reality. Idealistická filozofia interpretuje vedomie ako niečo, čo nezávisí od objektívneho sveta a vytvára ho.

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“faulty Humans”

“faulty Humans” equals free will to reject God. God’s perfect will requires choice to reject him. You would complain if we didn’t have the ability to reject God. x the topic was „God created faulty humans then blames them for being faulty“ then Kevin claims free will is what is faulty. Hence free will causes cancer, as God would be able to just make it not exist easily. The […]

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Sustentation, It’s beyond par taking We’ve gone beyond the point of repair This world is turning to shit Another cycle in dissatisfaction. We’ve lived lives completely carelessly In what feels like an eternity Of endless things going wrong An aeon of chaos, our looming end. The perpetual need of reconstruction Disdained by society, now looming destructive The prospective resolution to […]

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Corpse Decomposition

Freshly killed, lying still Intact and insect free Beautiful, stiff and cold First stage complete Dead for days, left to rot Bloated corpse, once was not Purge fluid is forced out Stage 2 complete Actively decaying, brutalized Maggots have colonized Actively decaying, brutalized Maggots have colonized Stage 3 complete Putrefaction begins An advanced decaying process Black discolored torso Stage 4 […]

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Schopenhauer text analysis

Schopenhauer brought up the clearance, that our senses don’t deliver only informations (as it get’s treated!), BUT also the reflectiing initiation of the actions is involved by that – as THAT represents the will, where instead the mind only represents a willing (and NO action). Let’s break down the text into key points: 1. Senses as more than information […]

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Átman je viac-menej významom

Z této koncepce výrazu vyplývá, že bez vyjadřujícího znaku by konkrétní vyjadřovaný postoj nemohl existovat, a to ani co do svého obsahu. Odlišný výraz by zároveň změnil vyjadřovaný význam. akože ´obsah toho významu´? Přirovnáme-li tělesný výraz existence k překládání textu, jednalo by se o takový překlad, který zároveň proměňuje význam svého […]

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Predčasne voľby sú nepravdepodobné, uviedol Fico. Vzbúrencom z Hlasu ponúkol post ministra: Už ma to nebaví

Predčasne voľby sú nepravdepodobné, uviedol Fico. Vzbúrencom z Hlasu ponúkol post ministra: Už ma to nebaví

08.03.2025 13:23

Miesto šéfa ministerstva investícií, ktoré v súčasnosti patrí Smeru, by mohol obsadiť aj „niekto kvalifikovaný“.

1109. deň: Americkí experti neveria, že Rusko dodrží mier. Vypočítali, koľko lietadiel by potrebovala Ukrajina

1109. deň: Americkí experti neveria, že Rusko dodrží mier. Vypočítali, koľko lietadiel by potrebovala Ukrajina

08.03.2025 06:55

Rubio: Trump chce ukončiť rusko-ukrajinskú vojnu, čo najskôr a všetky strany musia podniknúť kroky na zabezpečenie trvalého mieru.

Gene Hackman aj jeho manželka zomreli prirodzenou smrťou. Lekári zistili, čo sa v dome dialo

Gene Hackman aj jeho manželka zomreli prirodzenou smrťou. Lekári zistili, čo sa v dome dialo

08.03.2025 05:25

Hlavná súdna lekárka uviedla na základe výsledkov pitvy, že obe úmrtia boli spôsobené prirodzenou smrťou.

Ani stopka od Trumpa ich nezastavila. Ukrajinci si pri HIMARS-och pomohli sami

Ani stopka od Trumpa ich nezastavila. Ukrajinci si pri HIMARS-och pomohli sami

08.03.2025 10:58

Ukrajinská armáda naďalej dokáže používať americké raketové systémy dlhého doletu.

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