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natural resources

In addition to climate change, the serious problems facing the earth , also include severe ecological and environmental problems
All are the root causes of population expansion. A population of 9 billion already consumes vast amount of natural resources The destruction of the Amazon forest, Soil pollution, Air pollution, Ocean pollution, the Ecological environment is seriously imbalanced. The safety of the food chain has been damaged. Crops grow unhealthy !
At the same time , Digital AI, Electronic products, computer applications. Various manufactures compete to produce large quantities of products, resulting to overcapacity and a waste of natural resources. A large amount of toxic waste is produced !
Please monitor and control the use of natural resources.
Wake up ! Economic competition is out control,. The catastrophic focus should be on uncontrolled population expansion.

The year is 3085


The year is 3085 (European pagashistic estimate) Vrag was right all along… the collective power of pagan tree bark and two rocks ended civilisation as we know it.. Paganism is now the standard, but before you can enter the glory halls of Agartha you need to present your Thulandic white foreskin.



“Anger is a mask. It covers up your true feelings like fear, jealousy, frustration, or powerlessness. It’s a way of dealing with the situation when you haven’t processed the real feelings behind it.” This insightful statement reveals the complex nature of anger and its role as a protective mechanism that often conceals deeper, more vulnerable emotions. Understanding this dynamic is key to [...]

–Sōseki Natsume


“Use your intellect to guide you, and you will end up putting people off. Rely on your emotions, and you will forever be pushed around. Force your will on others, and you will live in constant tension. There is no getting around it – people are hard to live with.”


Netanjahu: Izrael je takmer hotový s elimináciou vojenských schopností Hamasu

01.07.2024 20:41

Izraelská armáda pritom vydala evakuačné nariadenia pre časti správnych jednotiek Chán Júnis a Rafah na juhu Pásma Gazy.

Air Europa, boeing 737, lietadlo

Pri turbulenciách sa v lietadle zo Španielska do Uruguaja zranili desiatky ľudí. Stroj núdzovo pristál

01.07.2024 20:07

Lietadlo spoločnosti Air Europa muselo núdzovo pristáť v Brazílii.

Marine Le Penová

Extrémisti na prahu moci. Macron sa chce spojiť s ľavicou proti Le Penovej

01.07.2024 20:00

Macronova éra sa skončila, podarí sa však strane Marine Le Penovej získať absolútnu väčšinu v parlamente? Jej rivali robia všetko pre to, aby jej v tom zabránili.

dagestan, synagóga, Melikov

Počet obetí teroristických útokov v Dagestane stúpol na 22

01.07.2024 19:12

Ozbrojenci zaútočili 23. júna na dva pravoslávne chrámy, dve synagógy a stanovište polície v mestách Derbent a Machačkala.

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