
Evil. The epitome of moral fall, the
antonym of love. Filth that pollutes
the body, the mind, the spirit and
impedes spiritual awakening if that’s
important to anyone in this depraved
society… A base primordial instinct,
an insidious trap that nature put in us
in order to ensure the continuation of
the species and thus, prolong earthly
suffering till eternity. And apart from
that, it’s also the cause of even more
abuse and violence like prostitution,
pornography and human trafficking.
And this pathetic existence that we
call „life“ is our punishment for being
dumb and weak and falling for it.
And the very fact that life partners
are always sexual partners and
platonic life partners are still NOT
a thing, only goes to prove how
unevolved and enslaved by lowly
instincts this filthy human race is.
So many here say it’s just a base animalistic mating instinct but that doesn’t make any sense to me. If that were true it would be something we only did when the female was ovulating like the vast majority of other species in this world. And even then nature has produced ways to mate that don’t even involve contact between animals including asexual reproduction where insects just grow off of each other without any mating involved. It seems like sexuality develops more and more in species of higher sentience for us to enjoy the pleasure and bond with each other with reproduction being only a secondary purpose to it. It’s only humans and several other (highly sentient) species in the whole world that have sex every day throughout the entire female cycle. We’re all highly social animals and unlike most other species the vast majority of our sex acts don’t result in reproduction even without any protection. I think it’s one of the few redeeming things in this world – but it’s the whole romantic relationship really and every form of intimacy involved in it. Regardless most people suffer mostly because of it, but most people have the emotional intelligence and self restraint of a fucking four year old sooo

To čo si ty urobil mne sa vymykalo ´mysliteľnosti´. .. .. .. .. ..


Žiadna skúsenosť s tým človekom ma dopredu neposunula, ale do regresu…….nemám akú skúsenosť s tým človekom opisovať, lebo on zničil každú pozitívne zažitú skúsenosť moju, a mi nanútil vlastnú moju popravu za bieleho dňa……. Zo svojej cesty za víťazstvom ma upratal do ´undergroundu´, kde patria invalidi ako ja……. Žena [...]

cítil som, že na takúto bolesť nemám bunky


…….. chcel by som na tom niečo zmeniť, ale jednostaj pretrváva ten pocit, že som nepovedel z mosta do prosta nič na ostatok bol chaos, ktorý som neustál stratil som ideu pneumu umanutú prišiel na ranu bola škoda hrkútať neviem upútať hútal som zaodený akoby to bol sen a ja sa nezobúdzam z núdze hľadal som medze ale z ruky mi nikto nezobal preto mi dali na hlavu [...]



cesta sťa tento život z, ktorého ma vysťahoval ako ´samovraha´ ma zoval musel som to zochabiť stál ako socha oni ma prišli zabiť vábničky som sláb nemám koníčky iba výčitky za svoje vyčíňanie oni ma vycvičili nabic hic a holá ric machiavelliho strach z diaľav nemožný stav, ktorý ľudia vidia bojím sa otvoriť hubu nesproboval som sa dopátrať lesa rúk nasadili mi do [...]

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