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Impossibility of supernatural life unproven: not being conscious of the supernatural means you are not aware or not able to sense the presence of the supernatural. Being unconscious of the supernatural does not prove it does not exist. For example, we are unconscious of ultrasound and ultraviolet light even though both exist.
I don’t understand what it means for something to exist and not being conscious of it. How else but by conscious means do you suggest to be aware of something’s existence ? Either there is evidence for it, and we can consciously grasp it, or there isn’t. That’s the beginning and the end of ontology.By the way, you’re wrong about ultrasound and ultraviolet light. Have you ever seen those machines they use to look at foetuses in pregnant women ? That measures ultrasound. That is so ridiculous, do you not watch television or never seen a pregnant woman in the hospital or something ? LOL !
One thing is to not perceive X
Another thing is for X to have no effect whatsoever
While beIievers try to conflate the two, this is indeed a problem when: 1. you’re not aware of the limits of perception (think of a caveman/dog/eyeless thing and UV light)
2. your devices cannot measure X (trying to use a hammer to determine the wavelength), or
3. the absence of X is logical and reasonable inside a specific system (no UV light required to make a calculator work)

naked burn


Angels dancing with a mortalA sinA giant born within a woman’sWombNephilim walking through the forestBreaking limbsAs we bow and give respect toThe gods Save yourselfDon’t wait on me My feetAre sewnEndlessBottom The church is burning from the insideOutAltars falling into ashesAgainAn eagle fly upon horizonsWith sightFocusing on all our familiesAnd friends ApologizeCan we rise above [...]

Stevens Brett Ecofascism and the Far-Right


The first thing that They do is try to confuse you about what you believe. That means hiding the nature of the Left, which is egalitarianism, so that they can hide the nature of the right… a focus on order, natural and cultural, as being more important than me-first obsession with desire and self-image. Obligingly the public Right conned itself into being Leftist, since instead of emphasizing [...]

Projective identification


Projective identification is a psychological concept that originated from psychoanalytic theory, primarily associated with the work of Melanie Klein. It’s a complex, unconscious defense mechanism that involves projecting unwanted feelings or parts of the self onto another person and then interacting with that person as though they are exhibiting those projected feelings or traits. Here’s [...]

Andrej Danko

Tomáš: Danko bude útočiť na Hlas, kým nedostane funkciu. SNS tvrdí, že len kritizuje Tomášovu zlú legislatívu

28.09.2024 14:50

Erik Tomáš označil stupňujúce sa útoky SNS smerom k Hlasu za dôsledok urazenosti Andreja Danka, že nedostal post predsedu NR SR.


Smrť Nasralláha: Čaká Izrael masový útok Hizballáhu? Irán nechce, aby konflikt explodoval, vraví expert

28.09.2024 14:46

Odborník na Blízky východ James Dorsey reagoval na to, že Izraelu sa podarilo pri leteckom útoku v Bejrúte zabiť šéfa hnutia Hizballáh Hasana Nasralláha.

náboje, zbraň, poprava

Pri hromadnej streľbe v JAR zomrelo 17 ľudí

28.09.2024 14:43

Pri piatkovej hromadnej streľbe v Juhoafrickej republike zomrelo 17 ľudí, útočníci sú na úteku a polícia po nich pátra.

Erik Tomáš

Hlas nepodporí konsolidačný balík, ak nebudú splnené jeho dve podmienky

28.09.2024 14:36

Po SNS, ktorá si vynútila ústupky pri konsolidačnom balíku, si kladie podmienky aj strana Hlas.

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