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~James Hollis

“The purpose of life is to be defeated by greater and greater things.”
~Rainer Maria Rilke
„The ego wishes comfort, security, satiety; the soul demands meaning, struggle, becoming. The contention of these two voices sometimes tears us apart.“
~James Hollis
„Not to consciously choose a path guarantees that our psyche will choose for us, and depression or illness of one form or another will result. Yet to move into unfamiliar territory activates anxiety as our constant comrade. Clearly, psychological or spiritual development always requires a greater capacity in us for the toleration of anxiety and ambiguity. The capacity to accept this troubled state, abide it, and commit to life, is the moral measure of our maturity.“
~James Hollis
„Stronger souls seek therapy; the more damaged seek someone to blame.“
~James Hollis
„The psyche is always speaking, and its urges will manifest first as ennui, then more conscious boredom, then inner resistance to our conscious scripts, and, as we continue to turn deaf ears, finally, an eruption of invasive feelings and behaviors: interrupted sleep or eating habits, the lure of an affair, troubling dreams, self-medicating addictions, and so on.“
~James Hollis
„Who among us is strong enough, or ethical enough, to say that we are our own problem? „
~James Hollis
„If we are in service to the Self, we can seldom be in service to the herd as well. And how often do we have to learn that one cannot serve two masters without paying a crucifying cost? „
~James Hollis
„No freedom is possible, no authentic choice, where consciousness is lacking. Paradoxically, consciousness usually only comes from the experience of suffering and the flight from suffering is why we often elect to remain in the constrictive yet familiar old shoes. But the psyche is never silent, and suffering is the first clue that something is soliciting our attention and seeking healing.“
~James Hollis
„Who ignores this summons will suffer the wrath of the gods, the splitting of the soul we call neurosis.“
~James Hollis
„Growing up means taking psychological responsibility for ourselves, and not just economic and social responsibility—that is the easy part. Growing up means that we take spiritual responsibility for ourselves. No other can define our values, become our authority, or protect us from necessary choices. Until we accept this responsibility for ourselves, we are asking others to be a shelter for our homeless soul.“
~James Hollis
„In the end we will only be transformed when we can recognize and accept the fact that there is a will within each of us, quite outside the range of conscious control, a will which knows what is right for us, which is repeatedly reporting to us via our bodies, emotions, and dreams, and is incessantly encouraging our healing and wholeness. We are all called to keep this appointment with the inner life, and many of us never do. Fortunately, this insistent invitation comes to us again and again.“
~James Hollis
„The quality of our relationships, the quality of our parenting, the quality of our citizenship, and the quality of our life’s journey can never be higher than the level of personal development we have attained.“
~James Hollis

Stevens Brett Ecofascism and the Far-Right


The first thing that They do is try to confuse you about what you believe. That means hiding the nature of the Left, which is egalitarianism, so that they can hide the nature of the right… a focus on order, natural and cultural, as being more important than me-first obsession with desire and self-image. Obligingly the public Right conned itself into being Leftist, since instead of emphasizing [...]

Projective identification


Projective identification is a psychological concept that originated from psychoanalytic theory, primarily associated with the work of Melanie Klein. It’s a complex, unconscious defense mechanism that involves projecting unwanted feelings or parts of the self onto another person and then interacting with that person as though they are exhibiting those projected feelings or traits. Here’s [...]

Přišli jsme z jiné dimenze a zde jsme se probudili k novému životu.


Dostali jsme se na historické rozcestí, kde musíme znovu všechno kompletně přehodnotit. Všechny staré úmluvy se rozpadly na prach, stejně jako drtivá většina kdysi platných společenských dohod. Člověk stojí na prahu znepokojivé budoucnosti, která se příliš nepodobá čemukoliv, co známe z dějin našeho druhu. Nemáme tedy na co odkazovat a s čím srovnávat. Naše [...]

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Verbálne spory vo vládnej koalícii nesmerujú do hĺbky a majú ďaleko k chaosu minulého volebného obdobia, hovorí publicista.

Miloš Zeman

Ľavičiar a tolerantný ateista, milovník becherovky i autor svojráznych bonmotov. Miloš Zeman oslavuje 80

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Je jednou z najvýraznejších postáv českej ponovembrovej politiky.

vojna na Ukrajine, Kyjev

ONLINE: Zelenskyj: Vysvetlili sme Amerike každý bod Plánu víťazstva. Verí, že ho v USA pochopili

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"Pre Ukrajinu je dôležité, aby Amerika priamo pochopila Ukrajinu. A tak to aj je," povedal Zelenskyj po návšteve USA s Plánom víťazstva.

Kríza na Blízkom východe otriasa aj ratingom Izraela, Moody's mu ho zhoršila o dva stupne

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Medzinárodná ratingová agentúra Moody's zhoršila hodnotenie úverovej spoľahlivosti Izraela o dva stupne na známku Baa1.

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