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Why religion is the product of faggotry.

First, I should define what I mean by the strong term “faggotry.” By this I do not mean homosexuality proper. Rather, I use it to describe the twisting and perversion in the mind of a religious person caused by repressed homosexuality. Being forced to deny a fundamental aspect of oneself by persecution and threats of ostracism, or worse, can lead one to a very dark place. The faggot must live in constant self-denial and self-doubt. If he lives in a society which considers homosexuality as a sin or a disease, he will feel a strong self-hatred. In a weak-willed individual, it will remain self-hatred: in a strong-willed individual it must necessarily turn into hatred of others, by projection.

This lays the basis of an understanding of religion. There are three fundamental characteristics of monotheistic religions like Christianity that clearly fit this model:

1. Constant projection of undesired attributes on one’s opponents.

For those people who are strong-willed enough to promote their religion, their self-hatred must necessarily be projected as hatred of others, especially one’s religious enemies. And so Christians accuse atheists of wanting to escape morality, of being relativists, of being illogical, of refusing to listen to their conscience, of being arrogant, of being intolerant, when in fact it is the Christian who suffers from all these flaws. But what they hate in themselves, they must project it onto others in order to be able to live with themselves and not look at themselves.

2. Hatred of the body, sexuality in general, and female sexuality.

3. Even greater hatred of homosexuality.

These two points go without saying. Faggots hate their own body, hate their sexuality, and hate homosexuality as a concept. Thus it is no surprise that Christianity has an anti-homosexuality fetish and has held an anti-woman ideology for centuries. The strong anti-abortion fetish must also find its roots here: for faggots, babies are a constant “proof” to others that they are not faggots and their ticket to permanent acceptance, but abortion represents the eradication of such “proof.” Thus abortion represents, to them, an attack against their most powerful tool of validation.

The belief in salvation through belief may not seem related, but fits the fag profile. Faggots believe that they were cursed from birth (and project this into the belief that we are all cursed from birth, “original sin”) and hate themselves and long for a time when they will be accepted and loved for who they are. They see their homosexuality as a perversion that cannot be cured physically or mentally, but only spiritually. Human beings cannot accept them as they are, but God can and will, after they die. This gives them a sense of “ultimate happiness,” which can only be achieved in Heaven. Their personal lives are, of course, hellish, and therefore they project the belief that everyone’s earthly life is hellish and without joy, that no material goods can compete with the relief they get from believing in God.

I believe that Christianity itself has as a founding figure a flaming faggot (Jesus, who lived constantly with 12 other men, asked them to symbolically eat and drink his body, loathed his mother, and threw hissy fits at moneychangers and fig trees) and was actually founded by a faggot (Paul of Tarsus), or so some secular historians believe. Whether this is true or not, it is well-known that Christianity is promoted by a great number of faggots, many of which are exposed as time goes on.

Please understand that I am not saying that all Christians are faggots. Obviously, only a minority of them must be such. But they do follow the faggot mentality exhibited by their leaders and intellectual past, they follow a faggot ideology. All monotheistic religions are of this nature. Here is a page about Jehovah’s Witnesses leaders and homosexuality. And it is not restricted to monotheism either. For instance, it has been proven that the most worshipped Hindu guru in the world, Sathya Sai Baba, sexually molests young boys: his belief system is very fundamentalist and also downgrades women and sex.

Think of the term “drama queen.” This is a homosexual stereotype. But who in real life exemplifies this stereotype, if not fundamentalist Christians? They way in which they obsess about their “persecution” borders on mental disease. Everything around them, books, movies, even little children’s show characters, is persecuting them. They confuse fiction, satire, metaphors and reality. They are obsessed about being persecuted, like faggots.

Faggotry is not restricted to religious doctrines and attitudes proper. Look at spanking, for instance. Some Christians still promote corporal punishment of this sort. And we know that spanking is a sexual stimulant. Certainly the idea of a grown man spanking his young son has a homosexual component, even if it remains implicit.

Another area of faggotry is gender-segregated groups or clubs, such as the Catholic priesthood. In those groups, homosexual behaviour tends to flourish because it is the only outlet to sexual expression, and it could be argued that gender-segregated education was constructed in order to promote homosexuality in growing children (as it was believed until recently that homosexuality was inculcated, not genetic). But in the case of the priesthood, where brotherhood is relatively absent, this has historically, and still today, been manifested by sexual perversion of many kinds.

Gender segregation is not a sufficient condition to detect the expression of faggotry. For instance, we know that gender-segregated sports are not the result of faggotry because the sex act cannot be involved during the period of time during which genders are fully segregated (the performance itself), or the people involved have easy access to members of the opposite gender (before or after the performance). Rather, it is clear that such segregation is made in order to ensure fairness for males and females, who have different body structures and thus perform at different levels in the same sport.

Machoism is also definitely fag in nature. Jokes about butt-patting during football games aside, it is clear that machoism, with its emphasis on gender segregation, male bonding, admiration of men and objectification of women, is a fag way of life.

Why do faggots tend to monopolize the religious arena? I believe that sexual expression is so fundamental to the human psyche that repression of that energy creates zealots far more easily than any other method. And thus, faggots tend to dominate the field because they have unbounded zeal and self-hatred, which they channel into fanatical pursuits like religion and politics.

Sissy men obsess about being the “bridesmaid of Christ” and being a “virgin for God.” Sissy men fall on their knees for whoreship (total submission to a male figure, symbolizing giving oral sex to a male figure). Real men stand on their own two feet and reject Christianity and its faggot ideology.

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