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‚Amir Alzzalam

En To Pan, meaning „All is One“ in Greek, is intricately linked to the symbol of the Serpent/Ouroboros. It embodies the belief that all things are interconnected, reflecting the altruistic principles of Hermetic philosophy where the microcosm mirrors the macrocosm. In this perspective, the divine essence permeates both humanity and nature, contrasting with Monotheism, which posits a separation between the divine and its creation.
From the Nag Hammadi library emerges the ‚Coptic Gospel of the Egyptians,‘ referencing Abraxas as an Aeon residing alongside Sophia, the Goddess of Wisdom, and the radiant Eleleth. Eleleth’s encounter with darkness sets forth a chain of events leading to the reign of the Demiurge and the Archons over this world. Abraxas is frequently depicted amidst the Ouroboros on gemstones, symbolizing the encompassing nature of space, which separates the Pneuma (upper sphere) from the Gnostic Dark Waters known as Okeanos.
Carl Jung delves into Abraxas in his 1916 work, „The Seven Sermons to the Dead,“ portraying Him as a deity transcending the duality of the Christian God and Devil, embodying the synthesis of all opposites into a singular entity.

natural resources


In addition to climate change, the serious problems facing the earth , also include severe ecological and environmental problems All are the root causes of population expansion. A population of 9 billion already consumes vast amount of natural resources The destruction of the Amazon forest, Soil pollution, Air pollution, Ocean pollution, the Ecological environment is seriously imbalanced. The [...]

Implantáty sentimentality


aty? ity? rakovina prostaty… žena si nechala odstranit implantáty přidala nové šaty a připadala si jako exponát v zoo atrocity exibition ča ča aty ity Augustin Svatý se zabývá nadpřirozenými jevy give it to me take it from me with importunity and tears dej mi to vem si to dej ber vem pudy a pocity jsou nekauzální záblesk poznání je nad kartesiánským systémem blesky [...]

friend. .. .


(Part 3 – same text, different images) So… Something that I absolutely loathe about the mainstream media is the condescending way it treats platonic love. There are billions of movies, TV shows, books, songs about love, but hardly any of them is dedicated to the love between friends. In the film industry, friendship is being invariably and systematically treated as an inferior form of [...]

France Ukraine Conference

Ovládne Francúzsko krajná pravica? Voľby sprevádzajú obavy z násilia

30.06.2024 06:00

Vo Francúzsku sa dnes koná prvé kolo predčasných parlamentných volieb. Prezident Macron už varoval pred hrozbou extrémizmu a občianskej vojny.


10-dní cvičili Rusi pri Japonsku, teraz protestujú proti manévrom Tokia so spojencami z NATO

29.06.2024 21:36

Rusko obvinilo premiéra Fumia Kišidu z toho, že svoju krajinu stavia "na cestu nebezpečnej eskalácie".

gay pride, Francúzsko, Paríž

Desiatky tisíc ľudí sa v Paríži zúčastnili na pochode hrdosti LGBT+

29.06.2024 21:04

Od 9. júna, kedy Národná združenie vyhralo eurovoľby, rastie počet nenávistných prejavov a násilných činov.

Putin, lng

Po ropnej buduje Rusko aj tieňovú flotilu na prepravu LNG: Rekordné povolenky pre sever, nasadí aj vyradené lode

29.06.2024 18:48

Nákup a prevod plavidiel na dubajský subjekt a rekordný počet povolení na Severnú námornú cestu naznačujú, že dieliky "skladačky tieňovej flotily do seba zapadajú".

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