Archív: máj, 2024

Why the Church of Satan Doesn’t Own the Term „Satanism“

The Church of Satan does not own the rights to the term „Satanism“ for several reasons: Historical Use : The term „Satanism“ predates the founding of the Church of Satan in 1966. It has been used historically to describe various religious, philosophical, and cultural phenomena long before Anton LaVey established his organization. The Church of Satan cannot claim […]

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Is Yahusha the real name of Jesus?

Is Yahusha the real name of Jesus? YES!! I’m a retired scientist, was atheist and had a huge problem believing in GOD, WHOM I could not see or touch. Around 40 years ago I encountered Him in my living room and gave up almost everything incl. my family, big house, career just to be a street evangelist or simple disciple. I ended up with almost nothing, alone, helpless and a lot of suffering. […]

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– Albert Einstein religious

„It was, of course, a lie what you read about my religious convictions, a lie which is being systematically repeated. I do not believe in a personal God and I have never denied this but have expressed it clearly. If something is in me which can be called religious then it is the unbounded admiration for the structure of the world so far as our science can reveal it.“ – Albert […]

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The only reason I listened to Burzum is because Varg Vikernes is a murderer who burned down ancient churches.

I’m a Christian and I listen to black metal and Satanic themes. Is that ok? I used to listen to Judas Priest and Black Sabbath backwards all the time. I have met Ozzy Osbourne and all the members of Slayer and Cradle of Filth. I’m 47 years old and since I was 13 I have refused to listen to anything except classical and the darkest most brutal and evil metal I could find. The only […]

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You don’t have to wait for the end of your life to die. Death extends an invitation to you many times in life. Dare you let go? Dare you let go of who you thought you were, where you thought you were going, everything you thought you knew? Dare you wipe the slate clean, empty yourself of any perceived identity, let go of all attachments, come completely undone? Dare you surrender it all and […]

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The concept of messianic figures in Jewish history is fascinating, especially when considering Jesus (Yeshua). Scholar Bart Ehrman eloquently points out that for most Jews, the idea of Jesus as the Messiah was laughable. He was powerless and met a humiliating end through crucifixion by the Romans. This pattern isn’t unique to Jesus. Many others, like Theudas, Menachem ben Judah ben […]

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Anton LaVey’s contribution to Satanism is indeed significant, and distinguishing his form of Satanism as LaVeyan Satanism is crucial for several reasons. This clarification helps to delineate the unique characteristics of LaVeyan Satanism from other forms of Satanism, both Theistic and Non-Theistic. LaVeyan Satanism Founding and Philosophy: Founder: Anton […]

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more bunk. you commies will never invent anything. the people who believed machines could fly had faith they could fly, even as the many failures demonstrated it was not facts or engineering that was motivating them, it was faith that machines could fly, and the examples of faith are countless. faith is a huge part of moving forward.

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Pat Mat

More přijela z ospodu jáj autobusem! na celej vospod totiž paní Smetanová máme jednoho řidiče šílený prej More domácí násilí von jí řeže škrtí děcka brečej Sedíme A vona to zapírá neni to tak strašný prej je to tak všude Vona brečí A vospodu někdo volá Pat a Mat vyzvánění A vona brečí A já si představuju jak se mezi sebou Pat Mat řežou Škrtej se […]

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Povedané spolu s Goethem: „Na počiatku bol Čin, “

Ide o to, že ak sa chceme vyhnúť skeptickým pochybnostiam a filozofickým špekuláciám, pri ktorých je len malá nádej, že nám niečo užitočné prinesú, na človeka by sme sa mali primárne pozerať ako na bytosť, ktorá koná a až sekundárne ako na bytosť, ktorá svoje konanie racionálne reflektuje. To znamená, že jednotlivec je Wittgensteinovými zápiskami […]

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Peklo v Kurskej oblasti. Prenikli Rusi cez plynovod, kadiaľ prúdil plyn na Slovensko, alebo ich Ukrajinci zlikvidovali?

Peklo v Kurskej oblasti. Prenikli Rusi cez plynovod, kadiaľ prúdil plyn na Slovensko, alebo ich Ukrajinci zlikvidovali?

09.03.2025 05:30

Strácajú ukrajinskí vojaci Sudžu, ktorú obsadili v auguste 2024, alebo sa Rusom nepodarí v blízkom čase dobyť späť toto mesto v Kurskej oblasti?

Ropný gigant z Nórska trestá Trumpa: Urazil Ukrajinu, Američanom už nedáme ani liter paliva

Ropný gigant z Nórska trestá Trumpa: Urazil Ukrajinu, Američanom už nedáme ani liter paliva

09.03.2025 06:00

Nórska spoločnosť Haltbakk Bunkers sa rozhodla zastaviť dodávky pohonných hmôt pre americkú armádu na protest proti tomu, ako sa USA správajú k Ukrajine.

Romana Tabaková sa pustila do hercov SND: S politikou choďte na námestia. Diváci exposlankyňu vypískali

Romana Tabaková sa pustila do hercov SND: S politikou choďte na námestia. Diváci exposlankyňu vypískali

09.03.2025 10:01

Bývalá poslankyňa a tenistka navštívila Slovenské národné divadlo.

ONLINE: Roj ukrajinských dronov útočil na Rusko. USA sa nechcú zaoberať ruskou 'tieňovou' flotilou

ONLINE: Roj ukrajinských dronov útočil na Rusko. USA sa nechcú zaoberať ruskou 'tieňovou' flotilou

09.03.2025 08:25

Na Rusko zaútočili desiatky ukrajinských dronov. USA vetovali plán na vytvorenie pracovnej skupiny štátov G7 pre ruskú 'tieňovú flotilu', uviedol Bloomberg.

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