𝗡𝗲𝘄𝘁𝗼𝗻, 𝗱𝗮 𝗩𝗶𝗻𝗰𝗶, 𝗧𝗲𝘀𝗹𝗮 – 𝗔𝗹𝗹 𝗖𝗲𝗹𝗶𝗯𝗮𝘁𝗲𝘀?

It’s a well-known fact that three of the most
intelligent, brilliant & genius minds in the entire
human history — Isaac Newton, Leonardo da
Vinci and Nikola Tesla — were all celibate their
entire lives. These three men were some of the
most accomplished and successful individuals
of their time. They all achieved greatness not
in spite of their celibacy, but arguably because
of it. And the results speak for themselves.
There has long been a belief that celibacy and
geniusness are correlated, with many people
believing that those who abstain from sexual
relationships for more than 12 years are more
able to focus on their work and achieve great
things. While there is no scientific evidence
to support this claim as of yet due to lack of
research, it is worth considering whether or
not the celibacy of these three great men had
any impact on their achievements.
𝗡𝗶𝗸𝗼𝗹𝗮 𝗧𝗲𝘀𝗹𝗮 was a brilliant inventor and
engineer who had the highest recorded IQ in
human history, at 310. Tesla made significant
contributions to the fields of electricity and
magnetism. He is best known for his work on
alternating current (AC) electricity, which is still
used today to power homes and businesses
around the world. Just like Isaac Newton and
Leonardo da Vinci, Nikola Tesla also practiced
strict celibacy during his entire life, which has
sparked numerous theories and speculations.
One intriguing hypothesis suggests that his
interest in the ancient Indian scriptures, called
the Vedas, as well as his friendship with the
renowned spiritual leader Swami Vivekananda
might have influenced his decision to remain
celibate. Nikola Tesla was known to be deeply
fascinated by the philosophies and concepts
presented in the Vedas, which encompassed
a wide range of topics, including spirituality,
metaphysics, and also the nature of existence.
It is believed that his studies of these ancient
texts provided him with profound insights and
influenced his worldview.
During his time in New York City,
Tesla developed a close friendship with
Swami Vivekananda who was instrumental
in introducing the Vedantic philosophies to
the Western world. Vivekananda’s teachings
emphasized the pursuit of knowledge and
self-realization, placing great importance
on inner strength and discipline.
It is plausible that the profound influence of
the Vedas and Tesla’s association with Swami
Vivekananda fostered a deep sense of spiritual
commitment within him. This, in turn, may
have played a role in his celibate lifestyle. By
channeling his energies and focus towards his
scientific pursuits, Nikola Tesla may have
believed that he could achieve a higher level of
consciousness and thus, contribute more
profoundly to the advancement of humankind.
While we can only speculate about the true
motivations behind Tesla’s celibacy, the
convergence of his interest in the Vedas and
his friendship with Swami Vivekananda offers
an intriguing possibility. It underscores the
intricate relationship between one’s spiritual
inclinations, personal choices, and the pursuit
of intellectual endeavors — a tapestry of
influences that weaves itself through the lives
of exceptional individuals like Nikola Tesla.
𝗟𝗲𝗼𝗻𝗮𝗿𝗱𝗼 𝗱𝗮 𝗩𝗶𝗻𝗰𝗶, a true master of intrigue,
not only mesmerized the whole world with his
artistic genius, but also held a captivating aura
of mystery. Concealed within the depths of his
being, he veiled his true intentions and beliefs.
In his renowned work, the „Codex Hammer,“
he penned the enigmatic phrase:
„That which cannot be created, is eternal.“
A cleverly crafted statement describing
the Universe and God, carefully navigating
the boundaries imposed by the Church.
Da Vinci’s words hinted at his interest in
spirituality, an inclination to explore the divine.
Within this enigmatic tapestry,
we catch a glimpse of a possible connection
to his decision to remain celibate. Da Vinci,
a voracious scholar of ancient texts, would
have undoubtedly encountered references to
the virtue of celibacy leading to greatness.
In his insatiable quest for knowledge, he may
have immersed himself in these passages,
contemplating their significance. Could it be
that he found inspiration in the teachings of
antiquity, believing that abstaining from sexual
physical intimacy paved the way for unlocking
the full potential of the human mind? While
speculation veils the truth, it is an intriguing
notion that da Vinci, the master of art and
innovation, perceived a correlation between
celibacy and the pursuit of greatness.
In this nuanced exploration,
we witness Leonardo’s artistic brilliance
transcending beyond brushstrokes, beyond
inventive marvels. His mysterious behaviour,
his written words, imbued with hidden
meanings, whispered secrets of the Universe.
Navigating the religious landscape of his time,
he skillfully maneuvered, cherishing his
personal convictions and subtly alluding to
the eternal and the divine.
Leonardo da Vinci,
an enigma of multifaceted brilliance,
continues to captivate our imagination.
His artistic legacy, his visionary inventions,
his choice of celibacy intertwine to weave a
tapestry of intrigue and wonder. Through
his cryptic language, we catch a glimpse of
a mind that transcended all conventional
boundaries, seeking truth in the mysteries of
ancient wisdom. Whether by deliberate design
or happenstance, da Vinci’s spirituality and
potential belief in the transformative power of
celibacy add yet another layer of complexity
to the legacy of this extraordinary genius.
𝗜𝘀𝗮𝗮𝗰 𝗡𝗲𝘄𝘁𝗼𝗻 is perhaps best known
for his work in the field of physics, particularly
his laws of motion and his development of
calculus. He was also a skilled mathematician
and astronomer, and he also made significant
contributions to the understanding of light and
optics. Newton was a deeply religious man,
because of which it is thought that his celibacy
was motivated in part by his religious beliefs.
In conclusion, while it is impossible to say for
certain whether or not celibacy and genius are
correlated, it is interesting to note that three
of the most well-known geniuses in history —
Isaac Newton, Leonardo da Vinci, and Nikola
Tesla — were all celibate. Whether or not their
choice to abstain from sexual relationships
had any impact on their genius & intelligence
is a matter of debate, but it is clear that these
three men were highly focused and driven
individuals who dedicated all their energy to
their work, progressing humanity forward.
Author: 𝗔𝗸𝘀𝗵𝗮𝘆 𝗞𝗮𝘀𝗵𝘆𝗮𝗽

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