The Knights and Dames of LVYThN serve as the Sinister Guardians of The Sect of the Horned God. We are committed to protecting, advocating for, and comforting those who face persecution for their Sinister Convictions. Our goal is to stand by The Sect of the Horned God and offer solace to those who endure hardships due to their beliefs.
Verily, the tides of aeonic transformation sweep over us, heralding a time of profound change. The demise of the divine, the „death of God,“ unshackles the gates to realms unknown, an emptiness yearning to be filled. The Leviathan hypothesis emerges as a fitting guise for the adversarial current, a mask for the nascent Æ0N. Known as a Prince of Hell, a Demon of ancient lore, Leviathan resonates deeply within the shadowy recesses of the dark occultic community,
concealing deeper, arcane layers.
The primal fear of serpents, engraved upon our collective unconscious, stems from eons past, when our primate ancestors, dwelling amidst equatorial rainforests, encountered these reptilian predators in the canopy above. Jungian theory contends that this fear permeates the depths of our psyche, requiring some to unlearn it even to approach these slithering beings. Thus, serpents embody the
chaotic realm of fear and primordial chaos itself.
In the struggle between Yahweh and Leviathan, we discern a symbolic battle akin to the clash of Sky-Father and Catholic deities—a motif mirrored across various mythologies, Slavic, Tengrist, and Christian. Leviathan dwells not on or beneath the ground but in the realm of Primordial Chaos, embodying Chaos Kampf—the eternal strife between order and chaos epitomized in battles of storm gods and great serpents.
This Chaos Kampf myth traces its origins to the Proto-Indo-Europeans, a warlike people whose influence pervaded the Eurasian landscape millennia ago. Marduk and Tiamat, Zeus and Typhon, Indra and Veritra, Thor, and Jormangandar personified the battle between gods and sea serpents and the bedrock of creation, the fabric upon which the cosmos unfolds.
The depths, symbolized by these serpentine entities, harbor primal gnosis—a knowledge not acquired but revealed, delving into the subconscious to obtain answers, akin to shamanic undertakings. The serpent, a source of wisdom and temptation, represents personal wisdom from within, not bestowed by an external deity. Myths and legends, told around communal fires of antiquity, served as vessels of divine teachings, bridging the gap between the outer natural world and the inner realms of the human psyche. In this tapestry of symbolism, constellations and the Zodiac play a role, marking the transition from one æon to another. The Æ0N 0f AQUARIUS now dawns, replacing the Christ current that once shaped the world. The Christ current, a symbol of the Ideal Man, lacks the Shadow—the dark aspect integral to human completeness, as illuminated by Jung. The figure of Satan embodies the Shadow, the adversarial archetype, essential for individuation and wholeness.
Religions, once founded on personal experiences, fell into dogmatic rituals. Now, with the Æ0N 0f LVYThN beckoning, a call for honesty arises. Embrace the Abyss, for it holds the ultimate primal expression of truth—the churning Waters of the Primordial Chaos, guided by Leviathan. In the coming æon, personal meaning will be found in this journey, as we dare to unleash the Adversarial Current, rising as Gods among Men.
In truth lies the essence of the primal, the Platonic First Forms, and the eternal power dwelling within the Waters of Primordial Chaos, stirred by Leviathan’s potent might. Embrace this transformative wave, for it is in the depth of our honesty that we shall find the keys to godhood amid the tempestuous seas of change.
The Sect of the Horned God
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