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‘Baphomet’ meant “Baptist of Wisdom”

Before the time of the Chaldean Abraham, a mystical race of Celestial

Maji lived in the ancient city of Harran. They procured and practiced

the Astro-Majiqal rites from ancient Sumer and Akkad. To these

rituals, they affixed the philosophical writings of Hermes

Trismegistus and the original Book of Enoch. Along with the Ark of

the Covenant, the Book of Enoch vanished after the death of King

Solomon. Two copies are rumored to exist, one in the hands of the

Harranean Maji and the other in Ethiopia.

The Harran’s would eventually be referred to as Nabataens and

afterward, as Sabians, and finally, they become the Yezidi. Most of

the Sabian era had already adopted Abrahamism and practiced

Baptism which was attributed to the True Christ, John the Baptist.

However, the Sabians continued the Celestial Majiq of their

ancestors and would lay down the footing for the worship of the

heretical angel, Malek Tauus of the Yezidi tribe.


Because of severe punishment (death) from an Islamic Caliph, which

is a Muslim civil and religious ruler, for not accepting the “approved”

religions of the time which were Christianity, Judaism, Islam, or

Zoroastrianism or not having a ‘properly’ defined religion/faith

based on text and worship of a god structure, the Sabians adopted

Hermes Trismagestos as their Prophet and the Corpus Hermeticum

as their scripture faith and philosophy. A very good choice in my


The Sabians of Harran would produce a monumental scripture in the

10th century based on ancient Chaldean and Classical Hermetic

Majiq and philosophy called the Ghāyat al-Ḥakīm, popularly known

as The Picatrix. It focused on Celestial Majiq, specific hours of ritual

performance, Stellar Intelligences, and Talismanic Majiq. The

Intelligences of Celestial Beings were called down (Howled) through

imagery and oration. Here we find the origin of all Grimoire Magic.



The Sabian Maji of Harran were referred to as Ashab al-r’as

(Adherents of the Head). One of the rites and practices of the

Harrans, the focus of this chapter if not the entire grimoire is the

Ritual of al-Ra’s which involves the decapitation of a young boy

resembling the pre-Islamic deity Utarid (Mercury), whose head is

then placed upon an altar where it ‘howls’ or rather is used for

prophecy. At the zenith of the Mercury Transition a boy that

resembles Utarid/Mercury is plunged into a vat of oil and sodium

borate which tempers his joints and softens the bones. His head was

then forcefully drawn upward by a device thus stretching the neck

and eventually disconnecting it from the spinal cord. Then through

ritual, the Celestial Intelligence of Utarid/Mercury could enter the

decapitated head and speak in tongues of mystery and prophecy.

The Prophecy from a Severed Head can be found in Eastern Indian

(Vedic) traditions and as we learned the al-Khemia of Sabian texts,

they are the wellspring for the true mystery behind the Knights

Templar’s head worship of Baphomet.😆🙃 The Knights Templar would

have encountered heretical Sufi sects, including sorcerers (Sāhir)

and the Hashashis (assassins) in their commission to safely guide

Christian pilgrims through Muslim Holy Land.


Afghan philosopher and Sufi Idries Shah makes the argument in his

seminal book ‘The Sufis’, that the Baphomet was the head of a Mystic

Maji revered by heretical Sufi sects called “Hallaja”.😆 He was

decapitated for testifying about his heretical spiritual experiences.

The current Caliph’s Queen Mother then had the head embalmed

and would later come into the hands of Sufi Maji. This Hallaj Sufi

Sect is the source of the Baphomet legend and also the model for the

Masonic figure, Hiram Abiff, the alleged architect of Solomon’s

Temple who was decapitated for not revealing the secret words,

grips, and signs of the Master Mason.😁😬


The Gnostics of the Roman Empire believed John the Baptist, a

Gnostic and the prophet of the New Testament, was to be the true

Messiah, not Yeshua the Nazarene. 😁The Templars followed his

Doctrine and became their Patron Saint laying the foundation for

what is now Freemasonry. John was beheaded at the Temple Mount

in Jerusalem and his head was venerated by early Christians. The

Great Beast himself, Aleister Crowley figured out the name

‘Baphomet’ meant “Baptist of Wisdom” and was worshiped and used

by the Templars as a tool for prophecy. A templar of Florence

declared that, in the secret meetings of the Templars, one brother

said to the others, showing them the idol, “Adore this head. This

head is your God and your Mahomet” (someone who speaks by

divine inspiration). In the legend of Orpheus, he is torn into pieces

and his head begins to speak and give oracles.

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