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There is NO GOD

The Concept of ‚god‘ Fails in That:

There is No Evidence of Such a god

The Idea is Illogical

The Preponderance of Suffering Remains

We Don’t Need an External god

Life is Better Without god

There is No Evidence of Such a god

There’s no substantiated evidence supporting the existence of a deity. Our acceptance of most concepts relies on proof, albeit sometimes imperfect. While certain beliefs may be founded on dubious media reports, we generally uphold a standard of evidence. Entities failing to meet this criterion, like the Tooth Fairy, are often dismissed as improbable.

However, many individuals embrace the idea of God without any empirical basis. Such belief stems from upbringing, societal norms, comfort-seeking, and intellectual inertia.

The absence of evidence for God’s existence is striking. While personal experiences may sway individuals, such anecdotal evidence lacks scientific validity. It cannot be reliably replicated or tested, leaving room for alternative explanations.

In essence, no compelling evidence has ever been presented to substantiate the existence of a divine being.

The Idea is Illogical

The notion of a deity often arises as a supposed solution to the perplexing mysteries of existence. Some assert that there „must be“ a God because alternative explanations seem inadequate.

This rationale spans from simplistic intuitions („I sense a greater purpose in life“) to elaborate arguments advanced by theologians, philosophers, and apologists.

While I can’t address every iteration of these arguments here, I can assert this: attempting to reason God into existence is a futile endeavor. The most sophisticated attempts merely propose God as a potential explanation for the universe’s origins, perhaps labeling it as the „best available explanation.“ However, even if one were to entertain these notions, they fail to offer a conclusive, logically sound position.

If uncertainty suffices for you, that’s your prerogative. However, it’s crucial to acknowledge that the logical proof of God’s existence remains elusive and unattained by anyone, throughout history.

The Preponderance of Suffering Remains

The presence of suffering poses a profound challenge for those who believe in a benevolent and caring God. Even attempts to rationalize suffering as a necessity for virtues like charity, or as punishment for wrongdoing, fall short in explaining the agony endured by innocent children, animals, and devout believers.

One might question what kind of deity could preside over a world where floods claim the lives of children, starvation and disease ravage communities, and faithful followers endure unspeakable horrors like murder, rape, and torture.

The traditional notion of a loving and compassionate God seems discordant with the harsh realities of our world. Belief in such a deity often requires either a deliberate detachment from the suffering around us or the adoption of seemingly implausible explanations („God works in mysterious ways“).

We Don’t Need an External god

We are not dependent on God; he is an extraneous addition to the universe, which functions adequately without him.

The primary arguments for the necessity of God typically revolve around the notions of personal salvation and moral guidance. However, let’s address the latter first.

Human morality does not originate from God or religious texts. We inherently understand the wrongness of actions like killing without needing divine commandments or threats of punishment. Most Western societies operate under secular legal systems based on constitutions and the rule of law, independent of religious influence. The moral compass of individuals is often guided by empathy and a sense of conscience, rather than divine decrees.

The suggestion that our laws and ethical principles stem solely from religious teachings is dubious. Pre-religious societies also had codes of conduct and taboos regarding the preservation of life and property. Principles like „do unto others“ arise naturally among groups of sentient beings sharing a community.

Furthermore, many laws outlined in religious texts are considered outdated or morally objectionable. Thankfully, modern legal systems do not incorporate most of the archaic mandates found in texts like Leviticus and Deuteronomy. The adoption of such laws, as seen in some Islamic states enforcing Sharia law, is often criticized for its oppressive nature.

Now, regarding the idea of needing God as a personal savior: while some individuals may find solace and explanation in the concept of God, it is not a prerequisite for leading a fulfilling life. Many people, myself included, thrive without belief in a deity or adherence to religion. The ability to navigate life’s challenges and uphold moral values is not contingent upon a belief in God. Therefore, while belief in God may offer comfort to some, it is not essential for living a virtuous life.

Life is Better Without god

Religion often operates as a mechanism of control and restriction, imposing rules, laws, and rituals that govern behavior. In extreme cases, such as the barbaric practice of genital mutilation in certain religious rites like those of Judaism, it can compel otherwise compassionate individuals to commit abhorrent acts.

Moreover, the history of atrocities committed in the name of religion is extensive and horrifying, ranging from suicide bombings and torture to genocide and forced marriages. A life free from religious influence offers liberation from these afflictions. It allows individuals to make decisions in accordance with their own moral compass, within the framework of societal norms. Each choice is weighed based on its merits, rather than being dictated by antiquated codes stemming from ignorance and superstition.

Without the constraints of religion, individuals are empowered to live authentically and make choices aligned with their values. Rejecting the notion of God and breaking free from religious dogma can be a transformative journey, beginning with a seed of doubt and culminating in the realization that the narratives of religion are more akin to fairy tales than immutable truths. In embracing a secular worldview, one finds freedom from the shackles of religious control and the opportunity to shape their own destiny based on reason and empathy.

― Thomas Merton


“The beginning of love is the will to let those we love be perfectly themselves, the resolution not to twist them to fit our own image. If in loving them we do not love what they are, but only their potential likeness to ourselves, then we do not love them: we only love the reflection of ourselves we find in them” ― Thomas Merton

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