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Within the vast cosmic tapestry, we find ourselves entangled in the intricate web of human emotions. In contemplating the nature of strength and intelligence, we are reminded of the profound wisdom that lies in forgiveness and the power of discernment.
Weakness, it seems, often seeks solace in the pursuit of revenge. Yet, in the grand scheme of existence, revenge serves only to perpetuate a cycle of suffering, binding us to the limitations of our own frailties. It is the mark of strength, however, to rise above such impulses and embrace the transformative potential of forgiveness.
But it is the intelligent mind that truly grasps the essence of this quote. Intelligence, in its truest form, lies not merely in the accumulation of knowledge, but in the ability to discern what truly matters. It is the capacity to recognize that investing our energy in trivial conflicts and grievances only distracts us from the vast wonders of the universe.
In the face of adversity, the intelligent mind chooses to ignore the petty distractions that hinder our growth and understanding. It directs its focus towards the pursuit of knowledge, the exploration of the unknown, and the cultivation of empathy and compassion. For it is through these endeavors that we truly transcend the limitations of our human condition and embrace the boundless potential that lies within us all.
So let us strive to be not only strong and forgiving but also intelligent in our choices. Let us rise above the allure of revenge, forgive those who have wronged us, and ignore the trivialities that seek to divert our attention. In doing so, we shall embark on a journey of enlightenment, expanding our horizons and contributing to the collective wisdom of our .species

The „Source“


„It“ is darkness, eternal … it is such as cannot be seen but felt, it is such as cannot be resisted but obeyed. It does not command out of spite or thirst but for a sense of Order from Chaos, Ritual from Hunger. For a long time I knew „It“ as the „Born-less One“, reflecting a most ancient ritual, rarely seen, never practiced. An energy, entity, a being of [...]

Fitzwilliam Darcy


There is, I believe, in every disposition a tendency to some particular evil, a natural defect, which not even the best education can overcome. – Fitzwilliam Darcy Our greatest strengths prove also our greatest weakness for, having found a way to explain our world, we then rely on it and by that nature exclude that which is outside of what it understands as effective.



NAŠI SLAVNÍ A HODNÍ PREDCI NEBOLI POGÁNI. Slovania nepoznali náboženstvo, ale len vieru. Ľudia, ktorí mali inú vieru, sa nazývali pohania. Vedomosti (vedomosti), alebo len viera (a tí, čo sa ich držia, veriaci). Viera bola pôvodne pravoslávna (Sláva právam, mier bohov a svätých predkov). Yavi, Navi a Rule sú tri časti sveta. Neskôr štátnici výrazne skreslili mnohé [...]

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