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roky, ktore som nebol v poriadku ubehl iostali len masky náreky psychické škreky



The sanctity of solitude is often overshadowed by societal norms that place undue emphasis on partnerships, as if they are the ultimate achievement or a necessary component of a fulfilling life. This perception couldn’t be more misguided. In truth, solitude is a profound and sacred opportunity bestowed upon us by the Universe. It is an invitation to embark on an intimate journey of [...]

– Yuval Noah Harari, Homo Deus: A History of Tomorrow


„So far, we have no good answer to this problem. Already thousands of years ago philosophers realised that there is no way to prove conclusively that anyone other than oneself has a mind. Indeed, even in the case of other humans, we just assume they have consciousness – we cannot know that for certain. Perhaps I am the only being in the entire universe who feels anything, and all other [...]



Logic is human arrogance assuming that our thinking, rationality and reason are somehow always correct…yet we have NO other intelligence close to humans to COMPARE our „logic“ to a higher standard. Imagine a species that has a million more years of cilivzation…or a billion…. We THINK AND SUPPOSE that our logic is matching reality. ……but one day, if [...]

SR prezident Pellegrini inaugurácia BAX

Pellegrini ako vrchný veliteľ ozbrojených síl: Vojakom nerozkáže, no môže vyhlásiť vojnu

17.06.2024 08:00

Peter Pellegrini sa od sobotňajšieho poludnia nestal len prezidentom Slovenska, ale aj vrchným veliteľom ozbrojených síl.

Peter Pellegrini, slávnostný obed, inaugurácia

Pellegrini bude iný prezident ako Čaputová. S čím prichádza a kam budú smerovať jeho prvé kroky?

17.06.2024 07:00

Kým prezidentka Čaputová niesla do palácu odkaz právneho štátu či témy spojené so životným prostredím, Pellegrini prináša témy mieru a upokojenia.

vojna na Ukrajine, mierový summit, Švajčiarsko, Giorgia Meloniová

ONLINE: Meloniová: Ak Rusko neprijme mierové podmienky, prinútime ho. Hrozí Ukrajincom elektrina len na pár hodín denne?

17.06.2024 06:25, aktualizované: 08:20

Ak Rusko nebude súhlasiť s podmienkami mierového summitu, prinútime ho, aby sa vzdalo, tvrdí talianska premiérka Georgia Meloniová.

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